One Earth would use ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panels to generate electricity from the sun. The project includes a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to improve the efficiency of the solar panels by storing the solar energy and releasing it to the grid when it is needed most. We have secured a grid connection agreement which allows us to import and export up to 740MW of electricity to and from the National Grid which is enough low-carbon electricity to supply more than 200,000 UK homes.

One Earth Solar Farm would be located across approximately 1,600 hectares (3,950 acres) of land located primarily in Nottinghamshire. The starting point for choosing the location of the solar farm was the availability of the grid connection point at High Marnham. When the old coal-fired power station was decommissioned, it created capacity at this location for new energy projects to come online.

Electricity pylons

How it works